Weekly Subscription Paydirt

Weekly Subscription Paydirt

from $5.00 every week

Never Miss Out on Klesh Gold Paydirt!

Subscribe to our Weekly Paydirt Subscription at an exclusive discounted rate, allowing you to receive a regular supply of Klesh Gold Paydirt delivered straight to your doorstep.

Simply select your preferred paydirt from the dropdown menu, and enjoy the convenience of automatic recurring charges, ensuring your subscription is shipped the day of (or after) your order and every week thereafter until you decide to cancel.

Due to popular demand, we now offer 2 packs of popular paydirt combinations, eliminating the hassle of separate orders and extra shipping costs.

Important details to consider before subscribing:

Gold Price Volatility: In light of fluctuating gold prices, subscriptions will undergo an annual re-evaluation at the beginning of each year. Any price adjustments, whether up or down, will result in the cancellation of your subscription/payments at that time. If there is no significant change to gold prices, there will be no change to your subscription.

Prompt Shipping: Expect your weekly subscription to be shipped on the same or next business day, with USPS delivering within 2-4 days within the US.

Out-of-Office Notices: If we are temporarily away, rest assured that we'll communicate this on the front page of KleshGold.com. All orders placed during such periods will be promptly shipped on the day or day after our return.

Join the gold prospecting adventure hassle-free with our Weekly Paydirt Subscription!
